Thursday, 29 March 2012

Worldscope Webcams v3.4.73 apk

orldscope Webcams v3.4.73 apk
Worldscope Webcams v3.4.73
Requirements: Android 1.5+
Overview: With Worldscope Webcams you can view the weather, visit foreign places, or just spy the world with more than 16,000 webcams from around the world.
Spy the world!

With Worldscope Webcams you can view the weather, visit foreign places, or just spy the world with more than 16,000 webcams from around the world.

This app is amazing if you’re homesick, want to check on an old vacation spot, or want to travel for free without flying and carrying a passport. You have access to more than 16,000 webcams in the palm of your hand. The choices are endless of places to visit!

One of the best features is setting a favorite webcam as your screen’s background. You can also group a few of your favorite webcams and set to rotate; watch the pics rotate and the land changes throughout the day!

Discover webcams near your current location or go blindfold and see what pops up; the spin-and-point method. Other key features include:
- Save current views on your SD card
- Bookmark your favorites into multiple groups
- Point anywhere in the world’s map and discover neighboring webcams
- Search with Keywords, Most Popular, Random, and more
- Share places via Facebook, Flickr, Picassa, and other social media streams

More Info:
Download Instructions:

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