Sunday, 1 April 2012

Lexicomp v1.9.1 with offline databases and working Update

Lexicomp v1.9.1 (with offline databases & working Update)
Requirements: Android 1.6 & Up

So here it is a fully functional cr@cked version of L€xi-Comp v1.9.1. This version has all the features of the app. This app will provide you with:
1. L€xi Databases (all of them working)
2. L€xi-Calc
3. L€xi-Interact
4. Drug ID
5. Iv-Compatibility
6. UPDATE (Yes you read it correct Lexicomp v1.9.1 with offline databases and working Update)

Known Issues:
1. You don't have a working data connection on your phone (Oh man! you are in trouble then Just kidding continue reading):
A. In this case you just need to install the app on your phone. & run it, the app will force close after you select "SD card". Dont worry thats normal.
Now again open the app.
Remember select "Ignore" not "Send to L€xi"
You will get the whole app.

2. Updates are having some issues:
A. The database files I have provided are latest one Updated till 30th March 2012. When you hit "Update" there will be only minor updates i.e. not more than 1 or 2Mbs (Dental drugs may b 6Mb or more but not the others). If it shows a larger size, then Uninstall the app.
Turn off the Data connection(or put phone in Flight Mode)
Reinstall the app. Open it & allow it to force close.
Run the app again, now hit update & then activate data connection or wifi.
You will see the correct sizes.
Also Some times after update the app force closes, don't worry that's normal (something which I encountered with the official app also), restart the app.
Remember select "Ignore" not "Send to L€xi" after restarting. The database would have been updated.

Download: L€xi-Comp v1.9.1

Very Important please read this:
How to use Database Files:
1. Download the required Database/module .zip file on your PC from below links.
2. Extract the dowloaded .zip file on PC.
3. After extracting the zip file, you will get a folder(containing the media{sounds, images etc.} files of the respective databases), a .db & may or may not be a .tmp file.
3. Now in your Phone, make folder named "lexi" (without quotes) inside your SD Card.
2. Inside "lexi" create another folder with name "media"(without quotes).
3. It should look like SD Card>lexi>media.
5. Copy the .db & .tmp files in "lexi".
6. & then copy extracted folder in "media" )

Modules & Databases Download:

Drug ID
Without media Folder (122Mb)
Drug-Id incl media files: or Updated
IV Compatibility

5-Minute Clinical Consult
5-Minute Pediatric Consult
Adult Patient Education
Advanced Protocol for Medical Emergencies
AHFS Essentials
Drug Allergy & Idiosyncratic Reactions
Harrison's Pratice
Household Products
Infectious Diseases
Lab & Diagnostic Procedures
Natural Products
Nursing Lexi-drugs
Pediatric & Neonatal L€xi-Drugs
Pediatric Patient Education
Pregnancy & Lactation
Stedman's Medical Abbrevations
Stedman's Medical Dictionary

Clinician's Endodontics Handbook
Dental L€xi-Drugs
Dental Office Medical Emergencies
Illustrated Handbook of Clinical Dentistry
Little Dental Drug Booklet
Manual Clinical periodontics
Manual of Dental Implants
Oral Hard Tissue Diseases
Oral Soft Tissue Diseases
Oral Surgery for General Dentists

Non English:
Medicamentos L€xi-Comp Manole
L€xi-Drugs para Pediatria

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